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Sports Leadership Course


Newcastle Town FC have come together with Sports Leaders Qualifications to offer a unique opportunity for our young people aged 12-16 to gain a Level 1 Sports Leadership qualification while receiving high-level UEFA ‘B’ coaching. Young people undertaking the Level 1 Sports Leadership qualification will learn and demonstrate important life skills such as effective communication and organisation whilst learning to lead basic physical activities to younger people, their peers, older generations and within the community.

The courses involve both guided & peer-to-peer learning and supervised leadership to ensure that learners have all the skills they need to lead basic physical activities to other people.

This is a recognised qualification which covers two units:

Unit 1 – Establishing leadership skills

Unit 2 – Plan, assist in leading and review sport/physical activities

What does the course look like?

The course is run during half term weeks throughout the school year. The is a one week course.

Where, when & how to book?

The course is run from Roe Lane Playing Fields, Newcastle under Lyme, ST5 3PH.

All resources are provided, students/players just need lunch. Cost is £80 for the week.

The tutor for this course will be Gavin Appleby.

The next dates are:

Monday 3rd April – 7th April 2023

The course will have a maximum of 20 students.

To book follow the link below:

Bookteq - Hosted widget

Select 'I want to Join a Session' then 'Football' then select Sports Leadership course.